"Natural Gamma to for the on-line measurement of the ash content of conveyed coal - 25 Years of Success" - 17th International Coal Preparation Congress, Istanbul October 2013.
This paper describes the current Bretby Gammatech Ash Eye an over the belt continuous ash monitoring system, and the latest background radiation compensation methodology. A recent Ash Eye installation is described including details of the calibration procedures. Users of Bretby Gammatech equipment are not just confined to the UK but are found in a number of countries in the coal producing world. To read the full article download the PDF version. Adobe Acrobat Reader required (PDF, 802Kb)
Download Here"Natural Gamma to Measure the Ash Content of Coal - 25 Years of Success" - Dry Cargo International June 2013
This article details the developments of natural gamma ash monitoring equipment during the past 25 years. Starting in the early 1980's with the Natural Gamma Coal Quality Monitor (NGCQM) now marketed as the Ash Eye, to the more recent developments of the Ash Probe and Lab Ash. To read the full article either download the PDF version or request a printed copy by contacting Bretby Gammatech. Adobe Acrobat Reader required (PDF, 1460 Kb)
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Ash Probe Brochure
The Ash Probe is a hand portable instrument for measuring the ash content of piles, wagons or trucks of coal. It provides the user with quick and accurate ash readings within seconds. Adobe Acrobat Reader required (PDF, 2073 Kb)
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Gamma Eye Brochure
Our new product range known as the Gamma Eye is aimed at a new market for our technology in the field of Gamma Contaminated Soil and Debris Monitoring. This product massively speeds up the process of clearing a potentially contaminated site Adobe Acrobat Reader required (PDF, 691 Kb)
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Ash Eye Brochure
The new Ash Eye is a much improved instrument based upon the previous Bretby Gammatech Natural Gamma Coal Quality Monitor (NGCQM). It is a non-contacting fully on-line ash monitor providing second-by-second information on the ash content of conveyed coal. Adobe Acrobat Reader required (PDF, 675 Kb)
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Heat Eye Brochure
The Heat Eye is a new instrument providing second-by-second information on the Ash, Moisture and Nett Calorific Value (Nett CV) of conveyed coal. Adobe Acrobat Reader required (PDF, 405 Kb)
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LabAsh Brochure
The LabAsh is a laboratory instrument providing a quick measurement of the ash content of a crushed sample of coal. It is easy to use and provides accurate results within a few minutes. Adobe Acrobat Reader required (PDF, 355 Kb)
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EyeGraffix Fact Sheet
EyeGraffix is a remote monitoring software application for the Bretby Gammatech Ash Eye and Heat Eye ash monitoring systems. Adobe Acrobat Reader required (PDF, 325 Kb)
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