Heat Eye
The Heat Eye is a fully on-line instrument providing second-by-second measurement of the Ash, Moisture and Nett Calorific Value (Nett CV) ie the energy content of conveyed coal. This it produces in real-time rather than by the traditional method of laboratory analysis. This measurement is vital for decision making.
Heat Eye comprises an Ash Eye fully integrated with a moisture meter (e.g. Callidan MA500 or Berthold LB456 etc) The Heat Eye contains no Radioactive sources – it uses Natural Gamma and Microwave technology.
The new generation Heat Eye is fully modular. The basic Heat Eye is a conveyor mounted instrument providing real-time data to an existing computer control system. An optional Remote Display Unit is available for customers requiring a fully stand-alone system.
The Heat Eye is our latest development in world-class coal monitoring.

Heat Eye – benefits
- In blending control systems the good use of the Heat Eye information enables suppliers to produce a more consistent product leading to higher financial proceeds. For example, this can be achieved by adjusting the ash content to counter uncontrolled changes in moisture to provide a product with a consistent Nett CV.
- Enables a mine to adjust quickly and effectively the blend characteristics to meet the demands of customers requiring different Nett CV specifications.
- In power station applications the Heat Eye information can be used to ensure the boilers are fed with fuel with a Nett CV falling within specification. This will ensure maximum boiler efficiency. In extreme cases, Low CV material can be diverted from the boilers, thereby reducing downtime and the associated costs.
Download the Heat Eye brochure
Printed brochure available upon request.